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Subaru Impreza WRX/ Forester 15+ Recirc. Mach 2 TMS [GFB] -
Subaru Impreza WRX/ Forester 15+ Recirc. Mach 2 TMS [GFB] -
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Subaru Impreza WRX/ Forester 15+ Recirc. Mach 2 TMS [GFB]

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Subaru Impreza WRX/ Forester 15+ Recirc. Mach 2 TMS [GFB]

Go Fast Bits, è nata nel 1997 oggi offre una vastissima gamma di prodotti dalla qualità eccelsa, blow-off , boost controller , pulegge e leve cambio con corsa corta , tutti i prodotti vengono fabbricati utilizzando le migliori risorse e materiali.
La produzione si trova in Australia, ed è in costante evoluzione sempre alla ricerca delle migliori novità!

Per conoscere la disponibilità di questo prodotto e sapere costi e tempi di spedizione clicca su " aggiungi alla lista " ,se hai bisogno di altri prodotti completa la tua lista e richiedi il preventivo cliccando su " invia ".
Lo staff di Em-Power ti comunicherà il prima possibile, il totale inclusa spedizione ed i tempi di consegna.
Richiedendo il preventivo non sei obbligato ad acquistare nulla, potrai scegliere di accettare o cancellare il tuo preventivo.

Go Fast Bits started back in 1997 designing, testing and developing GO FAST BITS. Today a wide range of innovative and high-quality blow-off valves, boost controllers, pulley kits and short shifters are available. All meticulously designed and manufactured from the highest grade materials. GO FAST BITS products are manufactured in Australia and GFB is constantly developing new and innovative products!

What makes GFB blowoff valves different and better?
Our new TMS Turbo Management System don't throw your BOOST away but INCREASES IT BY up to 40%. GFB's Turbo Management System (TMS) parts offer multiple performance benefits over factory diverter valves. We looked at the concept named ‘blowoff valve’ and took this to a whole new level! Basically the main benefits are:

How to choose a BOV
With the vast range of GFB blow-off valves, questions rise 'Which blow-off valve is the best?' and 'Which blow-off valve should I use?'
The first question is easy to answer: There isn't actually a 'best' in terms of quality. All GFB blow-off valves use the same high-quality internal components. So, provided the right BOV is fitted for your particular vehicle, they all offer the same performance benefits of improved throttle response and reduced lag. The real question is: How do you select the valve for you?

The first step to decide on 'your' BOV, is whether or not you want to hear it, and if so, how much? The following chart lists the “noise ratings” of our blow-off valve range. The final decision will then be based on how much control you want over the blow-off volume level.

Boost Controllers
GFB boost controllers use a more consistent needle-valve bleed system, which brings boost on just as fast as any ball-and-spring system, and generally more quickly than a factory boost control system. On the productpages you can find a comparison of the GFB controller to other major brands, guess who wins this standoff? GFB!
A GFB boost controller will give you the added benefit of not only being able to adjust the peak boost level, but in most cases will bring the boost on earlier, resulting in more power throughout the rev range.

Pulley Kits
The reduction in rotating inertia (we've removed about 2kg by using 6061 T6 aluminum billet) means that the engine can accelerate much quicker during the times it is making very little power before the turbo spools up. The result is better drive ability off-boost and better acceleration, which is especially useful for those with large turbos that only make power in the upper rev range. The smaller size of the crank pulley under-drives the power robbing accessories so that the upper end of the rev range is less burdened, while still allowing them to operate properly.

Short Shift Kits
The GFB Short Shifter is the same height as the factory shifter, it is the actual distance that the gear stick moves between gears that reduced.
Very simple to install. All of the installation is done from inside the car, without having to jack it up and crawl around underneath. Only a few basic hand tools are required, and the necessary hex keys are supplied.
The maximum throw reduction varies for different models. Early WRXs had a particularly long throw, so the maximum reduction with the GFB kit is around 50%, whilst on later models it is closer to 40%. In either case, it is possible to reduce the distance per gate to about 30mm. Whilst it can go shorter, the shifting force becomes too great for comfort, and some of the shift feel is lost.

For availability of this product and to know costs and delivery times click on " aggiungi alla lista " , if you need other products complete your list and ask for a quote by clicking on " invia ".
The Em -Power staff will inform you as soon as possible about the total including shipping and delivery times.
Requiring the quote you are not obliged to buy anything, you can choose to accept or delete your quote.

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