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MFactory Helical Limited Slip Differenziale (LSD) (Honda K20-Engines) -
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MFactory Helical Limited Slip Differenziale (LSD) (Honda K20-Engines)

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MFactory Helical Limited Slip Differenziale (LSD) (Honda K20-Engines)

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MFactory LSD for Honda K-Series
Gain a prominent advantage over the competition with the MFactory Helical LSD.
Through the smooth and constant distribution of power to the wheels, the MFactory Helical LSD puts the power-to-the-ground and maximises your vehicle's traction. A must for any FWD race car, be it Street, Strip or Track!
Made from imported Japanese Steel
Forged and Cryo-Tempered for unsurpassed toughness
Advanced Shot Peening technology increases surface hardness
Designed to withstand the extreme shock loads of competition-level Drag Racing
Advanced gear geometry designed using industry-leading software puts more power to the ground
Only the highest quality Brighton-Best Hardware is used
Maintenance-free Gears eliminates the need for special fluids & rebuilds associated with plate-type LSDs
Lock-free operation ensures no adverse affect to steering response
TERMS: MFactory Competition Products will provide a limited lifetime warranty for all Helical LSD's to be free of defects in materials and workmanship upon receipt of product and professional installation. Parts returned must be determined by MFactory Competition Products to be defective before any warranty credit or replacement is issued
Factory Competition Products's obligation under warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing, at its option, any part proven defective. The customer must prepay transportation charges
Final determination of the suitability of the products for the use contemplated by the buyer is the sole responsibility of the buyer. MFactory Competition Products shall not be liable for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, that might be claimed as a result of the failure of any part, including claims for delay, loss of profits, or labor
MFactory Competition Products shall not be liable for any damage or injury to persons or property resulting from improper installation or misuse of any part subject to this warranty
There are no other warranties expressed or implied extending beyond those set forth above
INSTALLATION:Any warranty claims arising as a result of the failure of a Helical LSD will ONLY be entertained if the LSD was professionally installed and was NOT disassembled. Disassembling a Helical LSD will invalidate the warranty.
RECOMMENDED FLUID:When ordering your MFactory Helical LSD, we highly recommend that you order our Torco Manual Transmission Fluid (MTF) at the same time. For your convenience, we offer Half Cases (6 x 1ltr Bottles) which is sufficient for the initial break-in period of your new transmission component(s) (approx. 1 tank of gas) and the subsequent fluid flush. DO NOT use Gear Oil in your Honda Transmission. Doing so will cause more damage than good, especially the expensive Synthetic/Performance Gear Oils.
RECOMMENDED BEARINGS:When ordering your MFactory Helical LSD, we highly recommend that you order new Diff Bearings at the same time.

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