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K-Tuned Corpo Farfallato 90mm Aluminum (Standard Ford 5.0L) -
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K-Tuned Corpo Farfallato 90mm Aluminum (Standard Ford 5.0L)

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K-Tuned Corpo Farfallato 90mm Aluminum (Standard Ford 5.0L)

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EM-Power it's K-Tuned official dealer for Italy:

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K-Tuned 90mm Throttle Body (Ford 5.0L Pattern)
Applications: Universal. Bolt pattern matches all 86-93 Ford Mustang 5.0L specs. Utilizes Ford 5.0L TPS and IACV
Big bore domestic throttle bodies have been making their way onto import engines for several years now and it is no secret that getting some of them working properly can be a painful experience. We saw the problems, so we designed our K-Tuned 90mm Billet Throttle Body and packed it with several useful features that will easily set them apart from the rest. We started by making 5 interchangeable o-ring sealed inlets to match the most popular installs. The throttle body comes with a standard 90mm hose barb inlet, but optional V-band or Vanjen (Wiggins style) inlets are available separately in both 3.5" or 4" sizes. Connecting a throttle cable also presented some challenges, which are now a thing of the past thanks to our fully adjustable throttle rotor with 10 settings and the reversible throttle cable bracket. For the TPS sensor, you can select the initial unit with a K or B TPS sensor, but you'll also have the ability to switch it later if needed using our K-Tuned TPS Adapter Kits.
As a bonus, we also made a 90mm domestic throttle body that uses the Ford Mustang TPS and IACV (Idle Air Control Valve). Note that the throttle plate rotates in the reverse direction on the domestic application and that we do include an IACV block off plate. Aside from that, all of our other features remain the same.
All K-Tuned Throttle Bodies are constructed with 6061 billet aluminum with a brass throttle blade and a stainless steel, center-less ground, throttle shaft that is leak tested to 90psi. Each unit has our K-Tuned logo engraved across the top of the body and are 100% North American made as are all the raw materials.

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