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The S300 Version 3 is a plug in module to the OBD1 factory Honda Engine Computer (not included) which vastly expands the capabilities of the factory ECU. Forced induction, datalogging, real time programming, Bluetooth and engine protection are but a few of the comprehensive s300 features.
Designed, manufactured and assembled in the USA.
This is a rectangular frame ECU version of the S300
This product is the Hondata hardware only. It does not include an ECU.
New features for Version 3:
-Ethanol content sensor support
-Bluetooth for laptop programming/data-logging and mobile data-logging
-2-4 times faster data-logging
-CAN output
-Serial output for dashboards like the AiM MXL and Racepak IQ3 - (needs 230-vmefi-hond)
Main features:
-8 analog inputs.(datalogging only)
-1 digital input. (datalogging only)
-Additional security to help identify and prevent theft
-Datalogging memory doubled in size for up to 2 hours recording.
-Non battery memory backup for greater reliability and longer life.
-On board calibration storage.
-USB and Bluetooth connection for speed and compatibility
-SManager Windows based software for parameter & table editing, calibration uploading and datalogging.
-Real-time updating of ECU parameters & tables.
-Built in calibrations for common engine combinations
-Built in datalogging to a laptop
-On board datalogging memory (8 MB memory, 20-240 minutes datalogging) with trigger conditions.
-Adjustment for different sized injectors, with overall fuel trim.
-Configurable for any MAP sensor (to 5 Bar and above)
-TPS based table lookup for ITBs
-Engine protection from over boost.
-Expanded fuel and ignition tables to 60 + lbs boost and 11,000 + rpm
-Three multi purpose outputs for nitrous control or similar
-Supports lambda tracing from a wideband o2 (PLX wideband recommended)
-PWM output for boost control with fixed or gear based boost.
-Dual tables for high/low octane calibrations etc.
-Two analog inputs for wideband, EGTs etc.
-High and low speed 24 x 20 ignition and fuel tables for correct VTEC tuning
-Injector size fuel trim
-Fuel trim for starting, throttle tip in and individual cylinder trim
-Rev limiter with fuel cut or fuel and ignition cut
-Launch control with anti-lag
-Full throttle shift
-Adjustable VTEC window with load and throttle control
-Secondary intake runner control
-Adjustable idle speed
-Adjustable boost cut with hot and cold settings
-Shift light
-Closed loop control
-Air temperature compensation
-Water temperature compensation
-Fuel and ignition correction based on gear
-A/C shutoff conditions
-Closed loop
-Three general purpose outputs for nitrous control, quad boost control or similar
Additional Information
Additional Information
Hondata S300 Only
Conversion Harness
No Harness
See Product Title
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