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Em-Power rivenditore Kraftwerks per l'Italia.

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Em-Power official Kraftwerks seller for Italy.

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Universal Ribbed Supercharger Pulley (159-99-1207) by Kraftwerks_. Diameter: 120mm. Ribbed Pulley for Serpentine Belt, 7 Rib, 120mm diameter referred to the input shaft of the supercharger Use Rotrex_ pulleys to increase your car performance making your Rotrex supercharger work more efficiently by providing pressure boost. Features: Provide an increase in efficiency and performance Spin the supercharger to ensure the boost of pressure Rotrex superchargers specific Pulley adaptor available Rotrex superchargers come preassembled with pulley/ pulley adaptor to eliminate problems with assembly If you want your ROTREX supercharger work more efficiently, then it is vital to provide it with ROTREX or KRAFTWERKS pulleys as they will improve your vehicle performance. The supercharger compresses the air into the combustor and the pulley enables its spinning, so the faster the supercharger spins the more air will be compressed. That_s why having a proper pulley will provide a pressure boost and therefore will increase the supercharger efficiency. Rotrex recommends to use standard pulleys, just check your data sheet to see the appropriate size for your particular supercharger. But, if your supercharger needs for some reason a custom design, then you can get the pulley adaptor. Rotrex superchargers come preassembled with pulley or pulley adaptor to avoid problems with assembly that may lead to its damage. Kraftwerks Performance Group_ is proud to bring you the most advanced supercharger system available. At the core of each Kraftwerks supercharger kit is the revolutionary and patented Rotrex, traction-drive supercharger. The proprietary design allows for reduced weight; smaller, quieter, cooler operation; and shaft speeds in excess of 200,000 rpm. No other forced induction method can compare to Rotrex_s superior efficiency, unmatched performance, reduced emissions, and transient response. Each Kraftwerks supercharger kit is designed in-house at our state-of-the-art, Norco, Calif., facility with applications available for a variety of vehicles.

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